Down the memory lane….
1960 | Sukiye Rochill | Birth of SRSU |
1966 – 67 | Khevihe Chophy | Official Records of SRSU maintained in written |
1968 – 69 | Kanito Chophy | 1st Official Banker of SRSU was established at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Phuhoto Jakhalu of Suruhuto Town |
1972 – 73 | Yevukhu Jakhalu |
Mr. Vukuhe of Surumi Village coined the present SRSU Motto, "VERCUBUS" – We Stand for the Future Generation with United Power ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsored and Hosted by Tichipami Village 1st SRSU Conference was held outside Surihuto Town |
1974 – 75 | Ghonito Achumi | 1st SRSU General Conference held at Suruhuto Town |
1976 – 77 | Pukhato | Mr. Shikuto of Tichipami composed the Present SRSU Block |
1978 – 79 | Shivikhu Shikhu |
Constitution of SRSU drafted & adopted ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Women Welfare wing of SRSU established ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Miss Vihoni of Yehemi became the 1st President of SRSU Women Welfare ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SRSU Library established |
1980 – 81 | Hekhushe Shikhu |
After acheiving All-Round-Champion at SKK General Conference held at Saptiqa, for the 1st time the SRSU represenred SKK and participated in NSF General Conference held at Ukhrul ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mr. Hokheto Shikhu of Suruhuto Town was elected the President of NSF at Ukhrul ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hosted NSF Conference at Suruhuto Town ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Affiliation of Zunheboto Unit under SRSU |
1982 – 83 | Kheshito Rochill | SRSU General Conference become Biannual |
1985 |
Y. Khevishe Achumi | SRSU Celebrated Silver Jubilee |
1990 – 91 | Hokuto Jakhalu | SRSU General Conference held at Suruhuto Town without Sponsorship from host unit |
1994 – 95 | Visheto Yeptho | Affiliation of Nalto Unit under SRSU |
2002 – 03 | Kheshito Awomi |
Mr. Khevishe L. Achumi of Yehemi was elected as the President of SKK ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SRSU Constitution re-drafted and adopted |
2004 – 05 | Khekuto Shikhu |
Newly re-drafted constitution was implemented and thus SRSU becomes federal ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mr. Ihoshe Shikhu became the 1st Speaker of SRSU Union Assembly |
2009 | Hetovi Awomi | A gift deed of a plot of land was executed between the Golden Jubilee Planning Board SRSU and the Land Owners for the purpose of constructing Jubilee Garden |
2010 |
Hetovi Awomi | SRSU Celebreates Golden Jubilee |